Take on a Sponsored Challenge

Why not take on a Sponsored Challenge, and raise funds for The Meadows Trust?

Each year we hope to participate in one or more of the challenges organised by the Kent Messenger. For 2015 our choice was the KM Charity Walk.  This took place on Sunday 28 June and was over either 5 or 10 miles.  The aim is to have some fun, and walk for the benefit of your Charity.

If you would like to take part, or need more information, please contact Liz Willy on Tel No: 07928 668924  or by email: elizabethwilly@btinternet.com.  She can let you have entry forms and sponsor forms.  Alternatively you can contact the KM Charity Team on Tel No: 0844 264 0292 or email: kmcharitychallenge@thekmgroup.co.uk.

Do your own thing

You might prefer to do your own thing, by organising a personal and individual challenge.

We are happy to help you as much as we can.  We can certainly assist with the documentation and publicity.  Please let us know what you propose by writing to the Autumn Cottage address or by emailing us.